Ute Spieler, district councilor for environment, construction, and schools, attended the event on Tuesday, December 3rd, at the... Niedersächsischen Landesbehörde für Straßenbau und Verkehr (NLStBV) in Hanover, together with Jonathan Hartmann, mobility manager at the Gifhorn district, received the expansion strategy for public charging infrastructure. The strategy had been developed in recent months in collaboration with the state authority and the municipalities of the district. Timo Quander, president of the state authority, formally handed over the work results.
"An important aspect of switching to an electric car is good charging infrastructure. In addition to the wallbox at home, public electric charging stations are particularly important in rural areas, as longer distances are often traveled," said district councilor Ute Spieler.
„Mit dem Konzept haben wir einen wichtigen Grundstein für eine flächendeckende Versorgung mit Ladeinfrastruktur in vielen Gebieten des Landkreises Gifhorn gelegt. Da sowohl die Kommunen als auch der Landkreis an einem Ausbau der Ladeinfrastruktur interessiert sind, jedoch weder finanzielle noch personelle Ressourcen für die Errichtung und den Betrieb von Ladeinfrastruktur bereitstellen können, ist eine markwirtschaftliche Lösung nötig. Mit dem Konzept ist eine attraktive Investitionsmöglichkeit für die Akteure des Marktes geschaffen worden, ohne die knappen Haushaltsmittel übermäßig zu beanspruchen“, betonte Mobilitätsmanager Jonathan Hartmann.
NLStBV President Timo Quander expressed his pleasure with the constructive cooperation. "With your expansion strategies, you now hold the key to the rapid and systematic growth of the public charging network in your region," he said during the handover of the concept. "In doing so, you play an important role in the transition to alternative drive systems in Lower Saxony. The Lower Saxony State Authority for Road Construction and Traffic will continue to support you in this endeavor."
The concept includes a number of locations where charging stations for electric vehicles can be established. To identify these locations, the Gifhorn district, in cooperation with the state authority and the municipalities, had assessed the demand for charging capacity for electric vehicles until 2030, analyzed areas, and coordinated the feasibility of constructing charging stations with the electricity network operator.
The expansion strategy is the foundation for quickly and systematically deploying a large amount of charging infrastructure across the region. Energy supply companies are to build fast and standard charging points under concession. On this topic, the NLStBV invited the municipalities of Lower Saxony and the National Coordination Center for Charging Infrastructure to Hanover on December 2nd to present models for the tendering of charging infrastructure for municipalities. The state authority will further tailor this nationwide support to the municipalities of Lower Saxony. The goal is to simplify access to the successful expansion of charging infrastructure for small communities.
(Press release from the Gifhorn district)
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